Laser Weapons in the Military
Laser weapons used to belong only to the realm of science fiction with Starwars being the most classic example. Recently due to improvements in laser technology, the possibility of real laser weapons is becoming more and more real. The question no is not do laser weapons exist, the question is how advanced, widespread and in what form are current laser weapons.
International laws for laser weapons
In 1995 the Conventional Weapons Convention in Vienna banned the use of laser weaponry on the battlefield that were "specifically designed, as their sole combat function or as one of their combat functions, to cause permanent blindness to unenhanced vision". Due to a loop hole this ban hampered but did not stop the development of laser weapons the leading developer, the US military.
Current Developments
In 2002 the U.S. Special Operations Command handed a contract to Boeing to develop an Advanced Tactical Laser (ATP) that was to be airborne and used for ultra precision strike missions. The laser itself is a closed-cycle, chemical oxygen-iodine laser (COIL). Based on the 1995 ban, this laser is not designed to cause blindness. It is much easier to blind a person driving a vehicle than to immobilize the vehicle itself so it remains to be seen what the actual purpose of the ATP is.
In another laser weapon development, the US Department of Defense (DOD) awarded Northrop Grumman the Joint High-Powered Solid State Laser (JHPSSL) project. The objective of this project is to produce a 100kW laser that can destroy rockets, mortars and artillery. The US airforce also added precision strike as one of the projects objectives. Northrop Grumman says the project is on schedule and they will reach the 100kW goal by the end of 2008.
Not to be outdone by the airforce, the US army has awarded Boeing a 36 million dollar contract to develop a truck mounted laser cannon known as the High Energy Laser Technology Demonstrator (HELTD). Once again the purpose of this laser weapon is to shoot down rockets and artillery shells but the HELTD would also be very effective at blinding enemy combatants.
The US is far from the only country seeking to develop or use laser weapons. Earlier this year the Canadian military drew harsh criticism over a $10 million laser weapon acquisition project. Those laser weapons are portable lasers that are designed to "temporary blind" people at 50 to 500 meters. This purchase is controversial because it is seen as violating the 1995 ban. This project is presently awaiting approval from Defence Minister Peter MacKa.
On a more peaceful and positive note, Dedicated Systems in Australia has developed a Airborne Laser Mine Detection System (ALMDS). This system works by using an airborne light detection and ranging blue-green lasers to detect, localize and classify mines over a large area of the ocean.
Laser weapons are widespread and range in form from large aircraft and vehicle mounted to mobile and hand held. At present the smaller more mobile dazzling (blinding) type laser weapons are already deployed and the larger more powerful lasers should start becoming operational with in a year.
Defense News
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