What Do We Expect From Our Smart Cities?
What Can We expect from Smart Cities?
The world's biggest cities like Seoul, Paris and Chicago are moving rapidly to embrace the connectivity of the internet of things. They are finding new ways to connect with the community to add value and depth and be called Smart Cities. The other model for smart cities is to build them from scratch. Songdo in Korea, is hailed as one of the outstanding international examples. It has 80,000 apartments and huge commercial and retail spaces.
If we were to consider how to embrace new Australian cities built from scratch, cities rather than suburbs, as satellites to our capital cities. What would they need? Jones Lang LaSalle through TEDx asked over 200 professionals about their four top priorities.
A Sense of Community
We want:
to belong and have facilities to support our life styles needs.
facilities to meet for sporting activities, social needs, interest groups and cultural pursuits.
child care and school enrichment or special needs programs on line so the community can volunteer to support the children.
to interact with the local council to support enhanced local services and initiatives.
Seoul's online Sharing Hub promotes local enterprises and organisations that offer sharing services. The hub aims to make it quicker and easier for citizens to accessing information about sharing.
Health and wellness
Western medicine is based on diagnosis and management of illnesses. Our concerns over air quality, GMO foods, and fast food based sensory appeal dominate the stores rather than sustainable eating choices for longevity and peak vitality. We need spaces to exercise, meditate and contemplate to balance our busyness. We need feed back on our biometrics and access to primary health initiatives about life style, diet and joy.
Social cohesion is defined as the willingness of members of a society to cooperate with each other in order to survive and prosper. We want to embrace our diversity and deliver prosperity to our community. This can be delivered through networking to buy local produce; have our child picked up from sport or music practice and delivered to a safe care environment; or for care for the elderly.
ChangebyUS NYC allows individuals to either create or join a city project. It offers hundreds of diverse projects ranging from food and community gardening to bike lanes and urban design. More than 120 resources are available through the website, including OASIS, an open community mapping site, the city council's community clean-up program and Green City Force, which prepares young people for job opportunities in the clean energy economy.
Entrepreneurship is the process of identifying, creating and realising opportunities for new business or social ventures. It can be commercial, social or environmental. Our work is being redefined as new career sectors are created, out sourced and robotized within a decade. It is expected we will have more and more specialisation of services and entrepreneurship supports specialists moving from project to project as required with work from home periods.
Many of the top smart cities are fostering entrepreneurship. Previously business was run on processing information, the internet of things brought us closer though sharing of information, now we want face to face meetings to facilitate interaction and entrepreneurship. We need rapid access from our smart city to work places that facilitate interaction. This is the foundation of entrepreneurship that leads productivity and economic prosperity.
Not in their top four but in ours: Environment
Because a smart city can build from scratch, it can go straight to leading edge technologies.
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